Hailing from the midwest and fighting in the Middleweight Professional League, Verena O'Callahan is an exemplary boxer in her own right. However, she's not known, both locally and within the scene, just for her ability alone. What really sprung her into stardom is her ability to fight in the ring and go about her day to day life while completely blindfolded. Being a dullahan, her head is already a vulnerable point, with even the natural harness their kind has developed to hold their head in place to a degree not preventing it from being knocked off and out of the ring. Instead, she oft is shown to fight with her head sitting on the sidelines, a practice other dullahan boxers have also adopted... though they don't share in her lack of sight in the ring. Nobody, not even her manager, knows if she can see when the blindfold is removed, and barely any more than that know even the color of her eyes. However, her technique, footwork, and raw power behind each strike she brings against her opponents make her a formidible contender.