Though likely not her real name, the woman simply known as "Benefice" wasn't well known until recently, when she started to show a profound handling of ice-based magicks. Impressive to some, astonishing to others, as she had 0 magical ability before this point, and further still when they saw the mask of unmelting ice that covers the upper half of her face, most notably her eyes. Though from the outside she simply seems to be a well-off woman with considerable wealth, attempting to help scientists and sages further research into magic and the hows and whys it exists, behind the scenes she works to continue to enhance her own body, the mask of ice a result of an experiment gone wrong involving the eyes of a Glacierkin implanted into her head. Though her endgoal is known to be the position of Avatar of Magic, who she's racing against, and the status of the current Avatar, are unknown to all, even her.